Windcharger – The Source Report
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Slightly More News To Me

Slightly More News To Me

The law of diminishing returns dictates that beyond a certain point there is less reward and result for an equal amount of input. In terms of vintage

Pass The Torch

Pass The Torch

A lifetime of appreciation for Transformers and the growing acceptance of hobbies such as toy collecting in society generally means that we can share

The Lost Tribe

The Lost Tribe

Minibots got everywhere. They were in Generation 1 in North America and Europe on cards they came out in Japan in boxes and then cards they originat

Is It Conceivable? – Part 3

Is It Conceivable? – Part 3

Welcome to the jungle. This is no place for collectors who dwell in the safe confines of AFA cases or between walls of MISB Japanese Transformers. The

The Ones That Got Away

The Ones That Got Away

In a competitive market place vintage toy collectors have to have their eyes and ears open the whole time in order to nail rare items. But we cant a

News To Me

News To Me

It doesnt seem to matter how much we discover how much gets photographed and revealed or how much we expand our horizons through international commu

Intermission ~ 12 Months Back – Part 2

Intermission ~ 12 Months Back – Part 2

How long does it take an experienced collector to get back into the groove and re-establish all their old contacts and techniques for finding rare Tra

In Their Own Words – Part 2

In Their Own Words – Part 2

Theres a reason why Transformers collectors gaze upon complete collections or runs of particular sub-categories with such awe and respect because ev

Intermission ~ 4 years away

Intermission ~ 4 years away

In 2007 I left the Transformers and pre-Transformers collecting game and community again for the second or third time (I lose count). This almost alwa

Mexico Revisited

Mexico Revisited

Sure weve been here before and sure weve talked about some of the wacky things that Plasticos Iga did with the Transformers brand south of the bor

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