Ultra Magnus – The Source Report
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COUNTDOWN: Fantastic Model Margh – 10 things to know!

COUNTDOWN: Fantastic Model Margh – 10 things to know!

TFCon Chicago has been underway this past weekend which means a slew of new third-party toy reveals! Theres always plenty to talk about an

COUNTDOWN: Shattered Glass Ultra Magnus – 15 things to know!

COUNTDOWN: Shattered Glass Ultra Magnus – 15 things to know!

What a week for new toy reveals eh? It feels like we say that a lot but honestly it is well deserved this time as the Hasbro Pulse Fan Firs

TOY OF THE WEEK: Takara Generation 1 C-69 Shining Magnus

TOY OF THE WEEK: Takara Generation 1 C-69 Shining Magnus

Welcome to thelatest instalment in our Toy of the Week series and its time now for something truly weird and wonderful... this is Takara G1 Sh

Collector Interview 76 – Tara “TJ”

Collector Interview 76 – Tara “TJ”

For a very long time I have wanted to feature a Transformers collector whose entry point to the hobby was significantly different to the majority of



Like many collectors Ive committed heavily to TakaraTomys Transformers Masterpiece toy line over the last few years. Ive been rewarded with to

Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinions

Whenever you see discussions about the best Transformers from a particular line or era over a big enough sample you can see patterns emerging and th

Masterpiece – They’ve Got Form (Part 2)

Masterpiece – They’ve Got Form (Part 2)

Thats right I didnt pre-order Masterpiece MP-22 Ultra Magnus. Thankfully Masterforce.co.uk and Orbital Comics came to my rescue in the UK and I wa

Masterpiece – They’ve Got Form (Part 1)

Masterpiece – They’ve Got Form (Part 1)

Takara Tomy and Transformers Masterpiece have been knocking it out of the park recently actually for quite some time. Despite 3rd party companies be

Toy Review: MMC Hexatron (Continuum Edition)

Toy Review: MMC Hexatron (Continuum Edition)

City Bots! City Bots! City Bots! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRtlEwECTBk&feature=youtu.be In 2013 Mastermind Creations made a huge sp

D.A.I. Stack – Not Powered Convoy

D.A.I. Stack – Not Powered Convoy

Not-Powered Convoy is a wholly accurate description of KFCs D.A.I. Commander Stack repaint of the earlier Citizen Stack KFCs attempt at a Maste

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