Blog Archives

COUNTDOWN: 20 big mistakes in the 1986 Transformers movie (part 2)

COUNTDOWN: 20 big mistakes in the 1986 Transformers movie (part 2)

If youre a Triple Takeover fan youll know weve recently been hugely focused on the 1986 Transformers movie! In fact as well as a bumper 50th

COUNTDOWN: 20 big mistakes in the 1986 Transformers movie (part 1)

COUNTDOWN: 20 big mistakes in the 1986 Transformers movie (part 1)

If youre a Triple Takeover fan youll know weve recently been hugely focused on the 1986 Transformers movie! In fact as well as a bumper 50th

A Studio Adventure

A Studio Adventure

The popular Studio Series arm of the Transformers Generations-scale toy line recently expanded to include characters and toys inspired by the original

COUNTDOWN: The 12 best Hot Rod moments from the 1986 movie – RANKED!

COUNTDOWN: The 12 best Hot Rod moments from the 1986 movie – RANKED!

If youre a Transformers fan then theres asizeable chance that youre a big fan of the 1986 animated movie. Whilst Im sure we can all acknowledg

COUNTDOWN: 50 most quotable moments from the ’86 movie – ranked!

COUNTDOWN: 50 most quotable moments from the ’86 movie – ranked!

Yesterday marked the 33rd anniversary of the 1986 animated adventureThe Transformers: The Movie hitting cinemas in the USA. Since then its becom

FansToys FT-16 Sovereign

FansToys FT-16 Sovereign

When FansToys get something right they really get it right. Quakewave Stomp Scoria...these were all exceptionally good products but items like Spo

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