TFNation – The Source Report
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TRIPLE TAKEOVER #87: TFNation 2024

TRIPLE TAKEOVER #87: TFNation 2024

Time for a new episode of Triple Takeover now! TFNation 2024 has come and gone but as the dust settles on Europes largest Transformers conv

COLLECTING THOUGHTS: TFNation 2023 haul (part 2)

COLLECTING THOUGHTS: TFNation 2023 haul (part 2)

Were back for the second half of a tour through my recent TFNation 2023 experience or more specifically the bits that came home with me! Yep

COLLECTING THOUGHTS: TFNation 2023 haul (part 1)

COLLECTING THOUGHTS: TFNation 2023 haul (part 1)

Its hard to know where the time goes isnt it? After all it feels like only yesterday when I sat here earlier in 2023 similarly lamenting

COLLECTING THOUGHTS: TFNation – a beast of a haul (part 2)

COLLECTING THOUGHTS: TFNation – a beast of a haul (part 2)

Were back for another session of looking through my recent TFNation haul! Its undoubtedly one of the highs of the collecting year for me so th

COLLECTING THOUGHTS: TFNation – a beast of a haul (part 1)

COLLECTING THOUGHTS: TFNation – a beast of a haul (part 1)

Convention season is drawing to a close and like many UK-based Transformers fans Ive recently had the pleasure of attending TFNation once agai

COUNTDOWN: 14 vintage Transformers toys on my TFN wishlist

COUNTDOWN: 14 vintage Transformers toys on my TFN wishlist

Its convention season which means a heady combo of toys and hangovers is upon us! Naturally its the former that were focused on for today

COLLECTING THOUGHTS #3: The In-Person Experience

COLLECTING THOUGHTS #3: The In-Person Experience

It cant just be me thatsorely missed the convention experience this year. What am I saying I know it wasnt! A simple look online will show y

Collecting – The 2020 Effect

Collecting – The 2020 Effect

So far 2020 has been a year which has had an unprecedented effect on the lives of almost every person on the planet one that will be talked about we



Even though acceptance of toy-collecting culture has advanced significantly in mainstream society over the last decadealbeit not quite to the point

TFNation Preparation

TFNation Preparation

 Transformers conventions can be the highlight of the year for many fans and collectors whether BotCon Auto Assembly HasCon or TFNation. Enthu

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