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REVIEW: Ocular Max PS-15R Fraudo Regenesis

REVIEW: Ocular Max PS-15R Fraudo Regenesis

Full confession - I love Generation 2 repaints. For a while now weve been treated to a steady drip of G2-styled stuff from various third-party ma

GALLERY: Ocular Max PS-15 Fraudo

GALLERY: Ocular Max PS-15 Fraudo

Now its time for the full gallery of photos of another member of the Ocular Max Combaticon team Fraudo including a fewimages not seen before

REVIEW: Ocular Max Assaultus #7 – PS-15 Fraudo (part 2)

REVIEW: Ocular Max Assaultus #7 – PS-15 Fraudo (part 2)

In theprevious part of our Ocular Max Combaticon multi-part reviewextravaganza we took a last look at Incursus and concluded that he is in fac

REVIEW: Ocular Max Assaultus #2 – PS-15 Fraudo (part 1)

REVIEW: Ocular Max Assaultus #2 – PS-15 Fraudo (part 1)

If you ask any fan of the original Transformers cartoon to name some of the more memorable characters from season 2 onwards theres a fairly good

UNBOXING: Ocular Max PS-15 Fraudo

UNBOXING: Ocular Max PS-15 Fraudo

It was only last week that we took a look at Ocular Max Incursus but already were checking out the second team member FRAUDO! https://youtu.



Repaints and retools have been part of the Transformers toy landscape for as long as the brand has existed but the concept of pre-tools is a more rec

Ready for War(Botron)

Ready for War(Botron)

Warbotron comes on strong with the first three of five in their WB01 combiner series! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8-oZKnO-GY https://www.yo

A Class Apart

A Class Apart

There have always been categories of Transformers distinguishable by size complexity and type. As a predominantly vintage collector for years I was

Binaltech BT-09 to BT-12

Binaltech BT-09 to BT-12

Cowards play it safe. Think of a breakthrough artist whose first album showed glimmers of massive potential including an unforgettable debut hit that

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