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REVIEW: Ocular Max PS-17R Probus Regenesis

REVIEW: Ocular Max PS-17R Probus Regenesis

I must admit Im still pinching myself about these Generation 2-inspired Ocular Max Regenesis repaints. After all the initial set of not-

Toy Review: Warbotron WB-01F and Combined Mode

Toy Review: Warbotron WB-01F and Combined Mode

Warbotron is muscling its way to being the go-to for combiners!

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-05 Hagen

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-05 Hagen

Its a bird! Its a pla... nevermind its a giant robot bird. Unique Toys Hagen is a big high and

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-04 Sigfried

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-04 Sigfried

Unique Toys continues to drive fans hun-grr for completing the Ordin line! UniqueToys Sigfried rea

Toy Review: MakeToys’ RM:01 Cupola

Toy Review: MakeToys’ RM:01 Cupola

IS Cupola a strong start for the MakeToys Masterpiece Scale line? Lets find out! When you get MakeT

Toy Review: Fansproject’s Cubrar and Tekour

Toy Review: Fansproject’s Cubrar and Tekour

The Lost Exo Realm Series is really ramping up! Fansproject continues their L

Review: Fansproject’s F(x) Sigma L

Review: Fansproject’s F(x) Sigma L

No mind control needed to love the latest in Fansprojects Function X line! Sigma L Fansprojects

Toy Review/Pictorial: Fansproject’s Diesel and M3 Combined Mode

Toy Review/Pictorial: Fansproject’s Diesel and M3 Combined Mode

Stunticons combine! Rather than give an in-depth review Im going to give a brief summary of what I think of Diesel and the M3 combined mode.

Toy Review/Pictorial: Fansproject’s Smart Robin

Toy Review/Pictorial: Fansproject’s Smart Robin

Fansproject continues to up the standards of their Function X line with their latest release Smart Robin! This awesome tribute to Brain Storm mixes

Keith’s Fantasy Club CST-03 B-Box and CST-04 Birdbomber

Keith’s Fantasy Club CST-03 B-Box and CST-04 Birdbomber

So this is my first time with a KFC product and I have to say that Im impressed! Their G1 cassette combiner homage Boxbomber has the articulati

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