revenge of the Fallen – The Source Report
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GALLERY: threezero DLX ROTF Optimus Prime

GALLERY: threezero DLX ROTF Optimus Prime

I recently reviewed threezero DLX Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime and now heres the full gallery of photos - all pics no words. These are pre

REVIEW: threezero DLX Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime

REVIEW: threezero DLX Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime

Its always clear to me that some toys face an uphill struggle when it comes to winning over the Transformers fandom at large. Take todays subject

GALLERY: Dr Wu x Mechanic Studio MC-02 Microscope

GALLERY: Dr Wu x Mechanic Studio MC-02 Microscope

I recently reviewedthis teeny tiny new toy from Dr Wu representing the memorable microscope fromRevenge of the Fallen and now heres the full

REVIEW: Dr Wu x Mechanic Studio MC-02 Microscope

REVIEW: Dr Wu x Mechanic Studio MC-02 Microscope

GoshRevenge of the Fallenfeels like a long time ago huh? The second live-action Transformers film has sparked a lot of debate in the now twelv

GALLERY: Iron Warrior IW-06 Jet Power Armor

GALLERY: Iron Warrior IW-06 Jet Power Armor

I have been excited to check out this upgrade kit for MPM-4 Optimus Prime for some time and needless to say it didnt disappoint in hand! I had g

REVIEW: Iron Warrior IW-06 Jet Power Armor

REVIEW: Iron Warrior IW-06 Jet Power Armor

I mentioned this recently but sometimes it feels very strange to be collecting Masterpiece-styled Bayformers. I think thats because that portion of

UNBOXING: Devil Saviour DS-04 Smash

UNBOXING: Devil Saviour DS-04 Smash

Its time for a brand new Unboxing video! Heres the latest instalment from Devil SavioursRevenge of the Fallen Constructicon series - its Sma

REVIEW: Devil Saviour DS-01 Split (part two)

REVIEW: Devil Saviour DS-01 Split (part two)

Were back for the second part of our review looking at the recent 3PMP Movieverse combiner Devil Saviour Split! If you havent caught up yet then

UNBOXING: Devil Saviour DS-01 Split

UNBOXING: Devil Saviour DS-01 Split

Ive been tremendously excited to take a look at Devil Saviour Split in hand for a couple of reasons. Firstly the idea of an MPM-scale combined mod

Movie Stars

Movie Stars

Take some desirable performance cars add three blockbuster movies and a slew of Big F***ing Robots toss in a healthy amount of character and scree

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