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MMC R-23 Dicamus

MMC R-23 Dicamus

If youve got a good mould and good ideas why not make use of them? Mastermind Creations have already demonstrated some clever and quality re-uses of

MMC R-19 Kultur

MMC R-19 Kultur

The pre-Chinese New Year period is always choc full of 3rd Party releases. Mastermind Creations have already cranked out Ocular Max Terraegis Reforma

MMC R-21 Titanika

MMC R-21 Titanika

There are certain things you can count on in the world of transforming toy collecting specifically regarding the 3rd party scene. One of these is tha

MMC R-15 Jaegertron

MMC R-15 Jaegertron

This is a very interesting one from 3rd party company Mastermind Creations. From their successful and well-loved Reformatted series R-15 Jaegertron i

MMC Seraphicus Prominon

MMC Seraphicus Prominon

Having been in the making for something like 4 years a hefty lead time even for the most sedate 3rd party release schedule Mastermind Creations Ref

Comic Book Villains (MMC Anarchus & Commotus)

Comic Book Villains (MMC Anarchus & Commotus)

Mastermind Creations continue to do that which many others dare not explore the realm of the current IDW Transformers comic universe and give us figu



Theres good reason for everyone to be excited for Mastermind Creations Reformatted R-08 Azalea. MMC have an excellent recent track record with Termi

Toy Review – Mastermind Creations Terminus Hexatron

Toy Review – Mastermind Creations Terminus Hexatron

Mastermind Creations shows us a taste of the direction that theyre headed with their first entry into the Reformatted Line: Hexatron! Their homage

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