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Granted Wishes

Granted Wishes

It seems that wishes have been granted and prayers have been answered as Hasbro are finally adding Double Spy Punch-Counterpunch and Monsterbot Repug

What’s Not New?

What’s Not New?

Recently TakaraTomy unveiled a number of new Masterpiece Transformers releases while Hasbro unveiled a new approach to reissuing Generation 1 Transf

Resistance is Futile

Resistance is Futile

Ive been trying to steer away from buying modern Transformers recently and the reasons for that are manifold. For a start toys like Masterpiece are

Hascon 2017 – Was it a success?

Hascon 2017 – Was it a success?

Last weekend was the debut of the official Hasbro toy show called Hascon 2017. It was billed as a family friendly event where multiple Hasbro propert

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