Perceptor – The Source Report
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GALLERY: Retro Reissue G1 Perceptor

GALLERY: Retro Reissue G1 Perceptor

Time for some new photos of Retro Reissue G1 Perceptor so heres the full gallery - all pics no words.  These are presented in full siz

Reissue Redux

Reissue Redux

For a while there it seemed that wed had our last Generation 1 reissues from Hasbro and Takara Encore Fortress Maximus being quite the final hurrah

FansToys FT-09 Tesla: Perfectceptor

FansToys FT-09 Tesla: Perfectceptor

It doesnt seem to matter what character FansToys announce because of their incredible start to life as a 3rd Party company putting out TF-a-likes wi

The Power of Fiction

The Power of Fiction

Influence is a funny old thing childhood experiences and preferences weigh heavily on us as do the tastes and decisions of our friends and collectin

Micro Change Series in Italy

Micro Change Series in Italy

Guns. Once upon a time it was more socially seriously this week were digging a little deeper into the Takara Micro Change Series th

Origin of the Species – Part 3

Origin of the Species – Part 3

Back for our final installment of the Origin series were finished with the Diaclone-inspired reissue exclusives covered in Part 1 and Part 2 and we

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