Blog Archives

COUNTDOWN: Legacy Metroplex – 18 things to know!

COUNTDOWN: Legacy Metroplex – 18 things to know!

Just when we thought we had recovered from the epic excitement of last weeks Legacy reveals along comes a new Titan class hunk of awesomeness to g

Toy Review: MakeToys Utopia

Toy Review: MakeToys Utopia

City Bots! City Bots! City Bots! MakeToys last product of the year is the first in their line of

Look Closely

Look Closely

Toy catalogues are wonderful things weve even looked at them before on Source Blog here and here. In addition to the waves of nostalgia washing over

Mexico Revisited

Mexico Revisited

Sure weve been here before and sure weve talked about some of the wacky things that Plasticos Iga did with the Transformers brand south of the bor

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