Lio Convoy – The Source Report
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TOY OF THE WEEK: Beast Wars II C-16 Black Lio Convoy

TOY OF THE WEEK: Beast Wars II C-16 Black Lio Convoy

Another Toy of the Week video today and this time were going back to the initial origins of evil Optimus Prime repaints - its Beast Wars II Blac

[Iron Factory] Yoroi Shishimaru (Lio Convoy)

[Iron Factory] Yoroi Shishimaru (Lio Convoy)

I will be honest. Being a G1 collector through and through I am not particularly familiar with the Beast Era characters nor own many of the toys. So

REVIEW: TakaraTomy Masterpiece MP-48 Lio Convoy (part one)

REVIEW: TakaraTomy Masterpiece MP-48 Lio Convoy (part one)

It seems like weve had a few new Masterpiece toys to review of late with both MP Hound and Bumblebee being given the treatment just recently. We

Full Steam Ahead (The New Masterpiece – Part 3)

Full Steam Ahead (The New Masterpiece – Part 3)

Masterpiece is winning. Nothing creates quite as much furore as the possibility of a new announcement regarding the next Transformers Masterpiece rele

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