Landmine – The Source Report
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THE VINTAGE VIEW #11: Generation 1 Pretender Landmine

THE VINTAGE VIEW #11: Generation 1 Pretender Landmine

Just last week we started a bit of a journey with having a look at one of the more contentious parts of the original Transformers toyline - Pret

Collector Interview 10 – Colbey Hopper

Collector Interview 10 – Colbey Hopper

Weveoccasionallyinterviewed collectors with very extreme views and collecting habits but individuals such as those can sometimes represent the m

Mail-away G1 Transformers – Part 2

Mail-away G1 Transformers – Part 2

One mans pegwarmer is anothers mail-away rarity. While toys like G1 Ratchet were common as muck and available everywhere in North American and Europ

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