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TOY OF THE WEEK: Takara Car Robots C-015 JRX (RID Rail Racer)

TOY OF THE WEEK: Takara Car Robots C-015 JRX (RID Rail Racer)

Welcome to thelatest instalment in our Toy of the Week series.This week its time for a bit of cheeky RID and what better toy to kick us off



If youve ever been in the business of selling items from your Transformers collection chances are it was for a good reason. When action such as that



Some things appreciate some things depreciate. Its probably best to base your collecting and buying on what makes you happy instead of aiming to max

Forgotten Corners

Forgotten Corners

Buying toys is good buying toys is bad. Having a focus in your collection is good having a focus in your collection is bad. Some of us torment our l

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