Feralcons – The Source Report
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Felisaber & The New King

Felisaber & The New King

Ill admit after receiving Tigris and being able to form the mighty Feral Rex as a modern update of the fully combined Predaking I felt as though MM

Top 5 Purchases of 2014

Top 5 Purchases of 2014

2014 has been an incredible year for Transformers collectors even moreso than 2013 was. This year saw the completion of MMCs first 3rd party combine

The King Is Dead, Long Live The King

The King Is Dead, Long Live The King

Theres nothing quite like Predaking. He was unique amongst the Generation 1 Transformers combiners and Mastermind Creations managed to capture the sa

The Golden Eagle

The Golden Eagle

He was supposed to be first but he is coming out fourth. Mastermind Creations (or MMC) are about to unleash R-02 Mercenary Aerial Assaulter Talon on

Meeting Expectations – Part 6

Meeting Expectations – Part 6

I keep thinking this series of articles have been put to bed and that newer Masterpiece or 3rd Party toys can go under a new banner. However in orde

Meeting Expectations – Part 5

Meeting Expectations – Part 5

The road to Feral Rex continues with the release of the Mastermind Creations Reformatted Ground Assaulter R-05 Fortis a 3rd Party product based hea

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