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Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-05 Hagen

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-05 Hagen

Its a bird! Its a pla... nevermind its a giant robot bird. Unique Toys Hagen is a big high and

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-04 Sigfried

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-04 Sigfried

Unique Toys continues to drive fans hun-grr for completing the Ordin line! UniqueToys Sigfried rea

Extra-Ordin-ary (Part 3)

Extra-Ordin-ary (Part 3)

Seriously? A fourth Unique Toys/DX9 3rd party figure review in 6 weeks? Dont blame me blame what must currently be the most prolific 3rd party compa

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