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TFsource Reviews: TFSS 1.0 Circuit

TFsource Reviews: TFSS 1.0 Circuit

By now most collectors who personally subscribed to the first Transformers Subscription Service should have received the third figure from the TFSS

Here Come The Men In Black – BotCon 1996

Here Come The Men In Black – BotCon 1996

Here come the Men In Black: the galaxy defenders ... no no not those guys. Were talking about a different MIB for this entry in TFsources Countdow

Review: Mastermind Creations Holiday Exclusive Mirrorverse Cyclops

Review: Mastermind Creations Holiday Exclusive Mirrorverse Cyclops

In this review we look at the holiday exclusive Mirrorverse version of their popular Cyclops figure from Mastermind Creations. Sporting a new dec

Review: Hasbro’s TRU exclusive Masterpiece Thundercracker

Review: Hasbro’s TRU exclusive Masterpiece Thundercracker

In todays review we take a look at one of Hasbros latest offerings: The Toys R Us exclusive Masterpiece Thundercracker. Using Takaras MP-11 Stars

TF Source Review – Transformers Over-Run (Runabout)

TF Source Review – Transformers Over-Run (Runabout)

Constructed from the Transformers Generations Wheeljack (see the Generations series at TFSource) body with a new head Over-Run -- the renamed Dec

Origin of the Species – Part 1

Origin of the Species – Part 1

We love reissues but even more than that we love reissue exclusives! We love that they come in weird and wonderful colours with interesting back sto

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