Dinobots – The Source Report
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THE VINTAGE VIEW #5: Dinobots (part 4)

THE VINTAGE VIEW #5: Dinobots (part 4)

Some time ago I started the very exciting journeyof assembling a mint set of vintage Generation 1 Dinobots. It allbegan with a rather unexpect

THE VINTAGE VIEW #4: Dinobots (part 3)

THE VINTAGE VIEW #4: Dinobots (part 3)

Were back once again on our voyage of vintage Dinobot discovery! If you have yet to embark on this quest with us then it all started a while back

THE VINTAGE VIEW #3: Dinobots (part 2)

THE VINTAGE VIEW #3: Dinobots (part 2)

A little while backIstarteda journey of looking at a set of mint-in-box vintage Dinobots and for one reason or another its taken me far to

THE VINTAGE VIEW #2: Dinobots (part 1)

THE VINTAGE VIEW #2: Dinobots (part 1)

In our last Vintage View article I provided a rundown of tips on assembling a vintage G1 Transformers collection beforeteasing a mint-in-box set

FansToys FT-08 Grinder

FansToys FT-08 Grinder

Its been almost three years since the first release of FansToys first Iron Dibot Scoria but the series is finally completed with Iron Dibot No.5

Collector Interview 53 – Egor Nikolaev

Collector Interview 53 – Egor Nikolaev

If you follow Transformers photography on Instagram you may well have come across the gorgeous outdoor and diorama picturesof Egorchrome. Once

Toy Review: Fansproject’s Volar

Toy Review: Fansproject’s Volar

Fansprojects latest has just swooped onto my shelf! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHG9u1WxZDQ The video review pretty much goes over my thoug

FT-06 Sever – High Hopes or Severed Dreams?

FT-06 Sever – High Hopes or Severed Dreams?

What did you hope and dream for when it came to a set of modern day high end G1 inspired Dinobots? Did you hope that Takara Tomy wouldfollow Maste

Top 5 Purchases of 2014

Top 5 Purchases of 2014

2014 has been an incredible year for Transformers collectors even moreso than 2013 was. This year saw the completion of MMCs first 3rd party combine

Toy Review: Fansproject’s Cubrar and Tekour

Toy Review: Fansproject’s Cubrar and Tekour

The Lost Exo Realm Series is really ramping up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRKVTnls9wM&feature=youtu.be Fansproject continues their L

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