Cassettes – The Source Report
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UNBOXING: Ocular Max REmix RMX-03 Volture & RMX-04 Buzzard

UNBOXING: Ocular Max REmix RMX-03 Volture & RMX-04 Buzzard

Its time for a brand new Unboxing video and today weretaking a look ata couple of wily old buzzards - its Ocular Max REmix Volture & Bu

Collector Interview 77 – Tim Bannerjee

Collector Interview 77 – Tim Bannerjee

Its been many months but we are BACK with another collector interview for the TFSource Report! And speaking of things that are overdue Ive known U

Reissue Redux

Reissue Redux

For a while there it seemed that wed had our last Generation 1 reissues from Hasbro and Takara Encore Fortress Maximus being quite the final hurrah

Remind Me

Remind Me

Just very recently I read a greatblog post by Dave Barry (Gangu Stars) on a new phenomenon called digital collecting a practice whereby toy enthu

Full Steam Ahead (The New Masterpiece – Part 3)

Full Steam Ahead (The New Masterpiece – Part 3)

Masterpiece is winning. Nothing creates quite as much furore as the possibility of a new announcement regarding the next Transformers Masterpiece rele

Micro Change Series in Italy

Micro Change Series in Italy

Guns. Once upon a time it was more socially seriously this week were digging a little deeper into the Takara Micro Change Series th

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