Bumblebee – Page 3 – The Source Report
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Masterpiece – They’ve Got Form (Part 1)

Masterpiece – They’ve Got Form (Part 1)

Takara Tomy and Transformers Masterpiece have been knocking it out of the park recently actually for quite some time. Despite 3rd party companies be

Top 5 Purchases of 2014

Top 5 Purchases of 2014

2014 has been an incredible year for Transformers collectors even moreso than 2013 was. This year saw the completion of MMCs first 3rd party combine

TF Animated – The Verdict (Part 2)

TF Animated – The Verdict (Part 2)

If Transformers Animated wasnt subject enough to the varying opinions within the collecting community for those who have surrendered their hearts to

One Thing Leads To Another

One Thing Leads To Another

I toyed with calling this article Suck it and see as anyone who has been following this blog and my own writing at Square One recently will know th

A Class Apart

A Class Apart

There have always been categories of Transformers distinguishable by size complexity and type. As a predominantly vintage collector for years I was

A Voyage Of Animated Discovery – Part 1

A Voyage Of Animated Discovery – Part 1

Transformers Animated is an incredibly divisive chapter in the history of the brand among collectors. For every fan who loved the cartoon and was touc

Pass The Torch

Pass The Torch

A lifetime of appreciation for Transformers and the growing acceptance of hobbies such as toy collecting in society generally means that we can share



If youve ever been in the business of selling items from your Transformers collection chances are it was for a good reason. When action such as that

Ambassadors – Part 6

Ambassadors – Part 6

Ambassadors Part 6. You know the score by now surely. Although I do think one thing bears repeating our contributors that are picking their line ca

Collector Interview 20 – Richard Brown

Collector Interview 20 – Richard Brown

At Christmas we may have occasionally succumbed to consumerism materialism and buying-copious-amounts-of-Transformerism. With our Source Blog Collec

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