Blaster – The Source Report
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GALLERY: 40th Anniversary G1 Blaster

GALLERY: 40th Anniversary G1 Blaster

Welcome to theHasbro Transformers 40th Anniversary G1 Retro Blaster and Steeljawfull gallery! This gallery features the absolutely gorgeou

GALLERY: Retro G1 Blaster & Soundwave

GALLERY: Retro G1 Blaster & Soundwave

Following our recent review of the brand new Retro G1 Blaster & Soundwave heres the full gallery - all pics no words. These are present

COUNTDOWN: ‘Retro’ Soundwave & Blaster – 10 things to know!

COUNTDOWN: ‘Retro’ Soundwave & Blaster – 10 things to know!

We all knew there would be some enjoyable surprises as we lurched ever closer to the 40th anniversary of the Transformers brand and now we have

GALLERY: FansToys FT-55 Recorder

GALLERY: FansToys FT-55 Recorder

Time for some new photos of FansToys Recorder so heres the full gallery - all pics no words. These are presented in full size so just open th

What Makes A Transformers Toy Great?

What Makes A Transformers Toy Great?

Is it possible to apply a pre-agreed set of criteria to any Transformers toy in order to decide if it is worthy of being called great? Is it possible



Reinforcements from Cybertron! From the history of Transformers from Diaclone from the Marvel comics from a 1986 TF:TM movie trailer from the page

Reissue Redux

Reissue Redux

For a while there it seemed that wed had our last Generation 1 reissues from Hasbro and Takara Encore Fortress Maximus being quite the final hurrah

One Thing Leads To Another

One Thing Leads To Another

I toyed with calling this article Suck it and see as anyone who has been following this blog and my own writing at Square One recently will know th

Binaltech: Asterisk BTA-01 to BTA-03

Binaltech: Asterisk BTA-01 to BTA-03

Once in a while spin-offs can be enjoyed more than the source. I prefer Stargate Atlantis to SG1 Deep Space 9 to TNG Spawn: The Undead to Spawn and

Micro Change Series in Italy

Micro Change Series in Italy

Guns. Once upon a time it was more socially seriously this week were digging a little deeper into the Takara Micro Change Series th

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