Beast Machines – The Source Report
Blog Archives

COUNTDOWN: Beast Hunters – 12 things to know about the early Beast Machines concept (part 1)

COUNTDOWN: Beast Hunters – 12 things to know about the early Beast Machines concept (part 1)

Mention the name Beast Hunters to many Transformers fans and theres a good chance their mind will immediately swing to the subtitled third se

COUNTDOWN: Just 8 random Transformers toys that were sadly never made!

COUNTDOWN: Just 8 random Transformers toys that were sadly never made!

Ive written many times about my undying love for the endless stream of weird and wonderful unproduced Transformers toys from over the years.

COUNTDOWN: 8 notable Transformers breakout characters

COUNTDOWN: 8 notable Transformers breakout characters

Transformers has its fair share of memorable characters from over the years which is unsurprising when you consider were now in the brands 40t

COUNTDOWN: 5 more gorgeous Beast Machines repaints

COUNTDOWN: 5 more gorgeous Beast Machines repaints

I may have mentioned this but Im a huge repaint fan. Theres just something about seeing an already familiar toy design rehashed in a bold

COUNTDOWN: 5 gorgeous Beast Machines repaints

COUNTDOWN: 5 gorgeous Beast Machines repaints

I may have mentioned this but Im a huge repaint fan. Theres just something about seeing an already familiar toy design rehashed in a bold

COUNTDOWN: 8 more Transformers characters who deserve Legacy attention!

COUNTDOWN: 8 more Transformers characters who deserve Legacy attention!

With the fine folks at Hasbro having just unveiled a whole wealth of new Transformers Legacy toys youd think wed be pretty sated for a little

COUNTDOWN: 8 Transformers characters who deserve Legacy attention!

COUNTDOWN: 8 Transformers characters who deserve Legacy attention!

With the fine folks at Hasbro having just unveiled a whole wealth of new Transformers Legacy toys youd think wed be pretty sated for a little

COUNTDOWN: 8 Beast Machines Vehicons that are still worth a look

COUNTDOWN: 8 Beast Machines Vehicons that are still worth a look

With the current Legacy line ploughing swiftly through almost every deep dark corner of Transformers history (we even had aKiss Players nodu

COUNTDOWN: 10 essential bits of random Transformers trivia (part 2)

COUNTDOWN: 10 essential bits of random Transformers trivia (part 2)

One thing Transformers fans are never shy of is a random fact or trivia tidbit to share. Perhaps its no surprise given the four-decade span

COUNTDOWN: 20 classic repaints that surpass the originals (part 1)

COUNTDOWN: 20 classic repaints that surpass the originals (part 1)

I love repaints. I know not everyone agrees but theres a genuine thrill from seeing a familiar toy design given a stunning makeover and a b

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