This is a list of my top 10 Transformers and Transformers-related toy purchases in 2017 new toys that I have found the most enjoyable to play with t ...
Why repaints and remoulds? Why cant every Transformers toy be a completely new mould and something brand new to enjoy and explore? We all know the an ...
Have you ever had to justify your collection to a loved one? Have you perhaps occasionally had to assure your partner that your collection may be wort ...
He finally arrived on the very final day of 2013 for me having been pre-ordered in March of the same year. Delayed beyond his Masterpiece Datsun stab ...
As 2013 races towards its conclusion collectors are taking stock of all the new Transformers figures theyve added to their collection in 2013 a yea ...
As quietly as it came TakaraTomys Transformers GT toy-line has seemingly given us its last offering and wrapped up with as little fanfare as when it ...
One feel-good article does not a balance make therefore we are taking one more week of contributions from even more esteemed collecting colleagues ab ...