TakaraTomy Transformers Masterpiece MP-39 is important for many reasons. Now that hes been released and thoroughly enjoyed assessed and judged we c ...
This is a list of my top 10 Transformers and Transformers-related toy purchases in 2017 new toys that I have found the most enjoyable to play with t ...
The holiday season is in part about traditions and celebration. Not to mention - for us - wonderful memories of Transformers at Christmas. About 2 yea ...
Having a group of like-minded Transformers collectors that you spend most of your hobby time with is a privilege. If youre fortunate enough to count ...
Holidays are fast approaching and that can only mean one of the worlds best excuses to actually get someone ELSE to buy you an expensive Transformer ...
If you want to know and understand the full scale of your Transformers collection move it. Ive been involved in 6 home moves in the last 9 years an ...
Ive been living in Iceland for just over a year now and anyone for whom Transformers collecting and community is a big deal knows that big changes i ...
Hasbro and TakaraTomy - or even 3rd Party companies - do not always get around to meeting our collecting needs in a way that satisfies us. Generations ...