Its been over three years now that weve been producing articles and collector interviews for the TFSource Blog and just as with the previous two ye ...
The law of diminishing returns dictates that beyond a certain point there is less reward and result for an equal amount of input. In terms of vintage ...
You know when that bell rings? When you slip into an old pair of comfortable slippers? When you walk down the street of your old house? Things move fa ...
Too many Transformers too much choice too little money and definitely not enough space. Then we add the 3rd Party toys coming at us from all angles ...
Pick one Transformers toy to represent an entire line category or series. Simple isnt it? Not when you consider that your choice cannot solely refl ...
Everywhere you look now in vintage Transformers collecting every niche and sub-category the bitter end items that are required to polish off a secti ...
Under the weight of newer Transformers products one can sometimes find it hard to keep up with every new variant and development that comes along ne ...
One feel-good article does not a balance make therefore we are taking one more week of contributions from even more esteemed collecting colleagues ab ...