Transformers toys have been coming out at an appreciable pace for decades now. Aesthetics have changed favourites have returned technology has evol ...
Its been over 15 years since Takara first showed off what was to be the first toy in the Binaltech series. BT-01 Smokescreen was a statement of inten ...
Is anything more integral to the concept of Transformers than their alternate non-robot mode? Certainly its an absolute cornerstone of the concept a ...
A head sculpt can make or break a figure. Some of the nicest overall Transformers figures I have are occasionally let down by a weak head sculpt that ...
What could be better than owning a wonderful Transformers toy? Thats right multiples of that toy! Of course not everybody subscribes to that philoso ...
Official Transformers toys are released in most of the world by Hasbro and in Japan by Takara Tomy formerly Takara. Takara a Japanese toy manufactu ...
Its been over three years now that weve been producing articles and collector interviews for the TFSource Blog and just as with the previous two ye ...