TJ Duckett – The Source Report
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Toy Review: MakeToys’ MTCM-04A Axle

Toy Review: MakeToys’ MTCM-04A Axle

Guardia is definitely off to a great start!! MakeToys has kicked off their

Toy Review: TFSource 2015 Exclusive Orion and Hegemon 2 Pack

Toy Review: TFSource 2015 Exclusive Orion and Hegemon 2 Pack

Very Surprised with how well these came out! With Sigfried and Hagens releases comes the ability to

Toy Review: Unique Toys Ordin (Combined Mode)

Toy Review: Unique Toys Ordin (Combined Mode)

Unique Toys swung and made contact! With Sigfried and Hagens releases comes the ability to get Ordin

Toy Review: Warbotron WB-01F and Combined Mode

Toy Review: Warbotron WB-01F and Combined Mode

Warbotron is muscling its way to being the go-to for combiners!

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-05 Hagen

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-05 Hagen

Its a bird! Its a pla... nevermind its a giant robot bird. Unique Toys Hagen is a big high and

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-04 Sigfried

Toy Review: Unique Toys’ O-04 Sigfried

Unique Toys continues to drive fans hun-grr for completing the Ordin line! UniqueToys Sigfried rea

Toy Review: MakeToys’ RM:01 Cupola

Toy Review: MakeToys’ RM:01 Cupola

IS Cupola a strong start for the MakeToys Masterpiece Scale line? Lets find out! When you get MakeT

Toy Review: DX9 Toys’ Carry

Toy Review: DX9 Toys’ Carry

DX9 took the ball rolled it into a futuristic trailer and drove that puppy right out of the park! D

Toy Review: Fansproject’s Volar

Toy Review: Fansproject’s Volar

Fansprojects latest has just swooped onto my shelf! The video review pretty much goes over my thoug

Toy Review: DX9 Chigurh

Toy Review: DX9 Chigurh

Is it the Astrotrain weve been waiting on? Dx9 really hit a home run with this homage to Astrotra

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