Blog Archives

Transformers: The Movie – When And Where

Transformers: The Movie – When And Where

In 1986The Transformers: The Movie was released and even ~30 years later it still holds a special place in my heart. It was my very first exposure

The Most Memorable Third Party Releases (So Far)

The Most Memorable Third Party Releases (So Far)

The collecting scene that is known as Third Party has emphatically changed the way Transformers fans collect. Over the past several years third

Flight Of The Bumblebee

Flight Of The Bumblebee

I could describe this character in so many ways. He has grown to become one of my absolute favorite characters even influencing me to dedicate a corn

What Was Your Reaction?

What Was Your Reaction?

The very rare occurrence of me being away from my Twitter feed and a Transformers forum happened last month. I was in the dark phone turned off and

The Top 10 (Plus Some) Collector’s Club Figures

The Top 10 (Plus Some) Collector’s Club Figures

The first five membership figures. For over 10 years now FunPublications has held the Transformers Collectors Club license and have produced dozen

The Top 10 Things Transformers Fans Will Never Agree On

The Top 10 Things Transformers Fans Will Never Agree On

Passion carries with it several emotions and beliefs. Needless to say if youre passionate about something you are more than likely going to face o

TFsource Reviews G-07 Punishment Add on Kit

TFsource Reviews G-07 Punishment Add on Kit

Im a huge fan of 3rd Party add on kits. Its how the 3rd Party collecting world got the mainstream start and its still a source for awesome addition

The Obtainable Holy Grail – Part 2

The Obtainable Holy Grail – Part 2

In part two of our Obtainable Holy Grails series we take another look at the figures collectors love and cherish to no end despite them being relati

TFsource Interviews The Transformers Collector’s Club!

TFsource Interviews The Transformers Collector’s Club!

Its a New Year the weather is ever so slowly starting to change and Transformers fans are getting their plans in place for convention season! Befo

The Obtainable Holy Grail – Part 1

The Obtainable Holy Grail – Part 1

I believe its almost a guaranteed thought for collectors to associate holy grails being figures from Diaclone AFA graded Generation 1 pieces or

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