COUNTDOWN: 10 Generations repaints that still need to happen! – The Source Report

COUNTDOWN: 10 Generations repaints that still need to happen!

One thing’s sure about Transformers collecting right now – we’ve never had it so good in terms of nostalgia!

You only have to glance at the sheer plethora of product designed to stoke warm memories of the franchise’s history, a large part of which comes down to repaints. Whilst such a practice is hardly anything new, we are in an age where every conceivable recolour, no matter how niche or unexpected, seems to be up for grabs as soon as a new mould is unveiled. It also means it’s all the more noticeable when such releases don’t materialise!

So today, here are 10 potential repaints that still need to happen in the Generations line!

#10: Cryotek

As soon as Legacy Transmetal 2 Megatron was unveiled, it seemed like a blue repaint was all but certain. After all, the 2001 Robots in Disguise release of Cryotek has become somewhat legendary over the years, a yin to Megatron’s yang, ice to the more traditional fire. However, despite the new toy’s popularity, it’s yet to materialise, whether as a Legacy offering or otherwise. Surely, it’s only a matter of time!

#9: Super Sideburn

This is another overhaul that feels like a shoo-in, given the original release of 2001’s RID Sideburn and its powered-up red overhaul were featured in the corresponding cartoon and remain synonymous with one another in the minds of many fans. The new take on the character may not have won everyone over, but a hot red repaint might be just the ticket!

#8: Overcharge

We’re digging into the days of Diaclone with this next idea, which involves bringing back the original pre-Transformers colour scheme for the classic Blitzwing toy for a new era. It’s something we’ve never seen done on previous iterations of the character outside of the G1 design, which was reissued in this palette in 2005. Still, if it’s ever going to happen, it feels like now is the most likely time, and the Leader mould would look pretty swish!

#7: Super Starscream

Many fans have been delighted with Legacy’s regular return to the well of the Unicron Trilogy for inspiration, and the recent Starscream release was good evidence of why that is! With the original red colour scheme already proving popular, we’ll likely see a blue ‘Powerlinx’ overhaul at some point down the line, perhaps even with a bonus Mini-Con this time.

#6: Windrazor

Sometimes, a repaint idea seems obvious if only because it’s hard to imagine what else the designers might do with that mould (although we’ve had some incredible retooling efforts of late, too!). One such instance is surely Silverbolt, who is so unique in both modes that it leaves his classic toy’s Botcon 1999 Windrazor makeover as a strong likelihood to happen at some point down the line!

#5: Laser Magnus

It’s a definite possibility this one may never happen. After all, there have been countless (OK, well, you can count them if you want) repaints of the Legacy Laser Prime design already, to the point where some fans may think we’ve had enough as it is. Secondly, it’s not like ‘Laser Magnus’ is a commonly desired idea, given it harkens back to a little-known e-HOBBY exclusive from 2006. That said, with the recent Target Optimus giving this mould yet another hurrah, perhaps there might be more left in the tank just yet?

#4: Razorclaw

OK, this one *has* to happen, surely! After all, who else will they repaint the new Legacy Tigerhawk design into, if not this 2003 Universe black alternative? The original Razorclaw release is a highly desirable item these days and packs an asking price to match, so a modern Generations version would be most welcome for many collectors.

#3: G2 Motormaster

We’ve already had two individual Generation 2 Stunticons as part of the current Generations line, but will we get the rest? That’s a question plenty of fans have been asking ever since the release of Legacy Dead End and Drag Stri— sorry, ‘Shadowstrip’. However, we’re still largely none the wiser! Certainly, it’s exciting to imagine the full combined mode in those ludicrously eye-searing colours, but it’s also possible this one may remain a pipe dream. Time will tell.

#2: Energon Tidal Wave

On the larger end of things, the recent Titan Tidal Wave release has caused a furore of fan excitement, but naturally, speculation has already turned to potential repaints. After all, the original Armada version of the character was released in a very different colour scheme to the more cartoon-accurate purple, and that’s to say nothing of a white and electric green Energon overhaul down the line! It seems doubtful we’d ever see such a thing with so much clear plastic, but it’s fun to imagine, nonetheless.

#1: ‘Yellow Splendid’ Convoy

Finally, we have what many will consider the ultimate in desirable repaints of new and upcoming toys! The Haslab release of Omega Prime isn’t even out for ages yet, but already, there are plenty of collectors who would love to see the Optimus figure re-done in lavish yellow to reflect the 2003 Universe version. The idea that Hasbro will never repaint any of their high-end crowdfund projects has yet to be proven, given they haven’t actually specified that’s a strict policy of any kind, so it seems entirely possible this could become a reality in some format down the line. We live in hope!

So that’s our list!


About Sixo

Transformers collector from the UK, collecting vintage G1/G2, CR/RID, UT & Masterpiece/3P. Find me at or on YouTube at


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