COUNTDOWN: 6 Collaborative Ideas for Transformers x M.A.S.K. – The Source Report

COUNTDOWN: 6 Collaborative Ideas for Transformers x M.A.S.K.

In case I haven’t mentioned it, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the current G.I. Joe x Transformers Collaborative line so far!

Something about this heady blend of vintage-styled Joe vehicles that turn into massive modern takes on the classic robots in disguise characters really pushes my buttons. Even if not everyone agrees, I’ve been having a great time of it all, as evidenced by my first impressions of the Thunder Machine Soundwave release.

One of the most successful ingredients is how close to the original G.I. Joe toys these new efforts swing, almost painstakingly recreating them to the point where you could honestly confuse them on initial glance. Sure, there are some tweaks worked in, but considering everything else they do, it’s quite a remarkable feature! Naturally, this got me thinking about what other fan-favourite ’80s toy lines could be ripe for a similar treatment.

Yes, it wasn’t long before my mind turned to M.A.S.K. (as it often does!), especially as, like G.I. Joe, this is a brand that Hasbro currently owns thanks to their acquisition of Kenner (via parent company Tonka) back in 1991. True, M.A.S.K. may not have the longevity of Joe, barely registering in the minds of anyone below a certain age these days, but that doesn’t stop the intense nostalgic vibes of those classic toys from making my mind ponder what could be done with a modern revision of some kind.

After all, just imagine a similar concept to the current Joe x Transformers collab line-up, with 1:24 scaled vehicles accurately depicting the original M.A.S.K. toys quite seamlessly, including reissues of the pilot minifigures, except this time they turn into your favourite giant alien robots. What’s not to love about the idea?

With that in mind, here are 6 such potential M.A.S.K. crossovers, including which Transformers characters they could turn into. And yes, this is pure pie-in-the-sky stuff!

All M.A.S.K. toy photos are c/o and all Transformers artwork is c/o Botchthecrab

#6: Rhino

Rhino is undoubtedly the crown jewel of the M.A.S.K. line-up. It’s the literal poster child of the roster, commonly appearing on the brand logo and featuring heavily in the marketing at the time and the accompanying cartoon. The classic toy was a true delight as well, catching the eye of countless children at the time and remaining a desirable darling of the aftermarket even today. It was one of the signature rides of good guys Matt Tracker and Bruce Sato and boasted all kinds of impressive spring-loaded trickery as part of its design.

Naturally, this is the most obvious entry on such a list because, come on, who else is it going to be, eh? Yep, the thing is practically made to become an Optimus Prime crossover figure at some point, surely! True, it’s not the classic G1 truck mode, as Rhino is a Kenworth W900, but still, this idea is just so perfect that it feels like a crying shame if it never comes to pass!

#5: Thunderhawk

A second Matt Tracker vehicle here and, yes, another iconic part of the M.A.S.K. line-up, which surely doesn’t need too much explanation once you clap your eyes on the image above! This thing is pure vintage ’80s realness, with a sleek synthy style that deserves to be resurrected for a new audience. It’s enhanced by the doors popping up to turn it into a “fighter jet” mode (of sorts), making this just about the coolest thing you could hope to own back in its heyday.

So, who better to take on this form than classic Transformers rebel Hot Rod? The turbo-revving young punk is no stranger to super-charged alternate modes rocking elemental artwork on the bonnet, so this feels like a crossover with all the right trappings.

#4: Switchblade

Moving onto our first baddie on the list, we have what might seem like an unusual pairing to some, but bear with me on this because I’ve thought it through! 1985’s Switchblade is undoubtedly one of the most memorable V.E.N.O.M. vehicles, transforming from a stylised helicopter to a super sleek jet and back in swift motion. It also serves as the personal transport of chief bad guy Miles Mayhem, which naturally means it could only be a fitting alternate mode for one Transformers character in particular! Of course, it’s Megatron.

Now, the Decepticon leader is no stranger to either vehicle form on offer here, having adopted both in various incarnations over the decades. Switchblade is also one of the few V.E.N.O.M. offerings that can legitimately compete with Rhino in terms of size but also offer the right kind of presence and attitude that a Megatron toy deserves. The longer you think about this one, the more it makes perfect sense.

#3: Raven

Moving into the second year of M.A.S.K. toys for this next entry, we have the super sleek Raven, which turns from a sultry black Corvette to a flying armoured car. Wait. A Corvette. A flying armoured car. You see where I’m going here, no?

Yes, I’m naturally putting 1985’s Tracks in the crosshairs for this one, if only because both those modes are already things the arrogant Autobot possesses. Sure, he may be typically blue and not black (although such a version does exist!), and yes, technically – technically! – Raven is a seaplane (if that makes any real difference), but on the whole, it has all the right potential to be a superb match.

#2: Outlaw

Another 1986 offering here, the Outlaw is one of the largest V.E.N.O.M. figures of them all and arguably one of the most on-theme! This gigantic oil tanker has a prominent snake-themed decal along the side and sports an array of impressive weaponry under the skin, converting to a sizeable battle platform and mobile headquarters!

Naturally, I can’t help but think of another 1986 truck-themed bad guy when considering potential robot matches, and Motormaster seems like a real fit in this case. True, he’s not typically an oil tanker, but everything else about such a match-up feels appropriate, even down to the vintage Decepticon toy having a base mode of its own. Kinda.

#1: Hurricane

1986’s Hurricane was surely one of the more ubiquitous M.A.S.K. toys of the era, occupying space in many a childhood collection and offering a memorable presence thanks to its souped-up 1957 Chevrolet stylings and distinct teal colour with flame embellishments. Admittedly, that doesn’t sound like an immediate match for grizzled Autobot war veteran Kup, who is typically more synonymous with a fairly understated futuristic pick-up truck for his alternate form. Yet once you throw in the tank-like battle mode on this one and again consider how on-point the inherent colour scheme is here, it starts to feel more like a no-brainer in many regards! Besides, why should Hot Rod be the only one to get a flashy finish?

So that’s our list! Did we miss any great potential M.A.S.K. x Transformers ideas?


About Sixo

Transformers collector from the UK, collecting vintage G1/G2, CR/RID, UT & Masterpiece/3P. Find me at or on YouTube at


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