YEAR IN REVIEW: Counting down the TOP REPAINTS of 2023 (part 2) – The Source Report

YEAR IN REVIEW: Counting down the TOP REPAINTS of 2023 (part 2)

We’re back for the second and final part of our round-up of “the best” Transformers repaints of 2023!

I say that, but as ever, these lists are purely personal and highly subjective – a reflection of my own collecting choices and preferences throughout the year, as opposed to a definitive or objective ranking. You may disagree with my list (I many will), and that’s absolutely fine. If anything, it’s what it’s all about!

I have traditionally included these in the primary ‘year in review’ article. However, with a wealth of candidates available for 2023, it seemed only right to spin this off into a separate list. Let’s get to it!

Be sure to check out part 1 first in case you missed it.

#6: Legacy Evolution G2 Universe Grimlock

I’ve already mentioned in part 1 how I adore the recent focus on resurrecting long-forgotten 1990s concepts for the current catch-all Legacy line. Still, surely there can be no better advert for the idea in practice than this rather lovely yellow fellow? The so-called “tiger Grimlock” art from Generation 2 has lived rent-free in my brain ever since I first clapped eyes on it. Although there have been some delicious custom efforts over the years, I never expected an official toy to pick up the baton, especially with such aplomb. Yet here we are!

Weirdly, it’s not even the dino mode which is the most exciting part of this, although I can’t deny it’s a giggle to see a chunky 1980s-style mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex decked out in such eye-busting hues. Rather, the robot mode is the main draw for me in this case, as the combination of the lemon limbs with that shiny teal chest and popping pink pants is just too delectable for words. Seeing such a gaudy but great colour scheme finally made real is amazing!

As someone who also owns the original Studio Series Grimlock, it looks rather drab now by way of comparison, as though my vision has adjusted itself to appreciate the figure only at maximum optical input. Whatever the case, this is one tiger who hit the jackpot.

Check out the original gallery of this toy here.

#5: threezero MDLX Cliffjumper

Anyone who knows me will also be aware that I’m a major fan of threezero’s output. The licensed toy manufacturer has been on an increasingly unmissable streak with their Transformers roster for several years now, and things have only gone up a notch following the advent of the MDLX line-up. These stylised figures may be significantly smaller, but they still pack that signature punch we’ve come to love from the company, as evidenced by this exceptional overhaul of their Bumblebee design.

True, some may sniff at Cliffjumper as what appears to be a red Volkswagen (even if the thing doesn’t actually transform, mind), but honestly, given everything this devilish effort does right otherwise, it’s hard to find much fault there. Besides, he’s rocking two retooled head sculpt options, both bringing the character to life in hyper-detailed form and looking incredible up close.

With MDLX seemingly going from strength to strength in the year ahead, now is a great time to jump on board for anyone even slightly curious, and Cliff here is a perfect starting place for that. He’s pint-sized perfection.

Check out the original gallery of this toy here.

#4: Retro Hound

When determining which toys deserved a spot on this list, there was a temptation to chuck the entire Retro G1 line-up at it and call it a day. In truth, it’s only because I haven’t found time to give the Seekers much attention since their arrival that they don’t feature here (though they really should!). However, even without them, sorting the various entries into an order of preference has been no small feat, which goes some way to conveying how impressed I was by Hound here!

I admit I didn’t expect too much from this one. The vintage 1984 toy is so super the notion of losing all the chrome was hard to fathom before seeing it up close, and some of the stock photos didn’t necessarily convince me of the use of a lighter green plastic, either. Somehow, though, it turned out marvellous because this thing is beautiful to behold, standing as the perfect counterpart to the blingy original but losing none of the charm in the process. It’s proven an entirely worthwhile endeavour and a highly respectful overhaul of one of the most beloved early franchise examples.

If you’ve never owned a G1 Hound before, I can’t recommend this toy enough, even just to appreciate its surprisingly teeny tiny allure for yourself. More of this, please.

Check out the original review of this toy here.

#3: Generations Selects Antagony

It’s only fair to acknowledge the lengths the current Generations line is going to in dishing out pretty much every Transformers figure we could have ever wanted. Case in point: I love the classic Beast Wars Inferno toy, but the notion of a more cartoon-flavoured affair has been ringing in my brain since the 1990s. Although I can’t deny I still pine for a Masterpiece attempt, I have admired the recent Legacy effort with envious eyes ever since it was unveiled, given how faithfully it brings the character to life. A repainted black Botcon homage, though? This is how you get me.

As it turns out, this mould is every bit as enjoyable as I had hoped it would be, instantly winning me over in hand with its surprisingly inventive transformation and spot-on aesthetic in both modes. However, I also applaud it for not going super slavish and dialling up the saturation quite considerably, particularly on those purples and pinks! As a proud vintage Antagony owner, I greatly approve of such a bold reinterpretation.

Beyond that, though, this is just a fun toy, through and through, and deserves its chance to shine with a super sultry black repaint of this kind. Terrific stuff all round.

#2: MPM-12N Nemesis Prime

Full disclosure: when MPM-12 Optimus Prime was initially revealed back in early 2021, I was unimpressed. Nothing about the pics I was seeing won me over, and I felt the toy looked quite bizarrely awkward in how it interpreted what is undoubtedly one of the most celebrated designs for the Autobot leader in recent memory. That it ended up with an assured spot on my ‘best of’ list for the year says everything about how much it won me over on arrival, quite quickly going from zero to hero and proving to be not only a thoroughly enjoyable affair but surprisingly easy on the eyes, too.

So, it should be no great surprise that a sexy black makeover would do the design wonders. In this case, however, I must also highlight what a wonderfully extensive job has been done on MPM-12N to differentiate it from its good guy predecessor. Recolours all too often tend to follow the same pattern as the toys they’re based on, replicating the paint operations and simply replacing the colours in a like-for-like layout. Not so Nemesis Prime here, which adds teals in all kinds of places where previously no paint existed, including on the head, chest, hips, shoulders and more.

The effect is simply stunning and instantly elevates this from being a run-of-the-mill black repaint to something quite unmissable, by my estimation. A strong contender for best of the year.

Check out the original review of this toy here.

#1: MP-53+B Dia Burnout

What could be better than the sleek black repaint above? Well, how about another such example? Yes, although it was a close-run thing, it’s only right to acknowledge how easily Dia Burnout ran away with my affections this last year! After all, the mould won the top spot on my main 2022 list, but I have no hesitation in saying that this awe-inspiring fourth outing is undoubtedly my favourite. Simply put, it’s splendid toy perfection.

Just glimpsing that outrageously stylish vehicle mode will surely be enough to convince you of what I’m saying, as the combo of shiny black and that hyper-retro orange door stripe cannot be overhyped. I have no notes, no nitpicks of any kind. It’s just all too good, the ultimate realisation of what was already a top-tier design.

If this is indeed the final outing for the MP-53 mould, then at least we can say it went out on an unmitigated banger. This is everything repaints should be and then some.

Check out the original gallery of this toy here.

So that’s our list! Join us soon for the review of the top new toys from 2023!


About Sixo

Transformers collector from the UK, collecting vintage G1/G2, CR/RID, UT & Masterpiece/3P. Find me at or on YouTube at


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