COUNTDOWN: 75 Transformers tweets from January that need to be seen! – The Source Report

COUNTDOWN: 75 Transformers tweets from January that need to be seen!

Happy new year, everyone! We’re one month into 2021 already and Twitter has already been dishing out more awesome Transformers content than ever – hence this month we have a bumper edition of 75 incredible tweets from January that need to be seen.

As ever, they’re presented in date order (but only kinda), so get cracking below!



Did anyone actually do this? Please say yes.



This was exactly the vibes we all needed on the 1st day of the year.



This was also exactly the vibes we all needed on the 1st day of the year.



The best three panels of any comic book ever applied with flawless context.



People sure had fun fossilizing stuff this month… this was one of many!



…case in point!



Wow, it’s almost enough to make you think that a T-Rex on roller skates is… ridiculous?



100% would watch.



Welcome to the hobby!



Impressive stuff!



This thread is what’s called “commitment to the bit”.



It will never not be thrilling to see pictures of sealed vintage toys on shelves.



Some fun and creative custom work right here!



Another month, another incredible bit of artwork from @marble_v_!






Great Scott!



Wait, where’s…






If you’re having trouble deciding on a background then before you do anything, think, ‘Is this what Sky Lynx would do in my position?‘, and you will not go far wrong.



It’s never not exciting to see Strika getting some love.



I said, “SAY CHEESE”.



A little follow up to a similar tweet last month, but yet again showing how silly the scale debate can be at times…



I need this.






Words to live by.



Hot Rod in his purest form.



Surprise, MF!






I love the style of this.



Our darkest hour.



Every cloud?



I can still remember seeing this cover for the first time. Amazing.



Well ok, then!



Beastly business!



Totally down for this.



Everyone has a purpose.



Some fun designs.



I would do unspeakable things for these to be made real.



Folks, I think it’s possible that Transformers merchandising has gone too far.




Some serious Skold love this month, and rightly so!



It is fun being able to see what’s happening, for sure!



Oh mai.



This is so interesting to see (even if it’s hard not to be able to ‘smell’ these photos!).






It true.



Oh, and of course there was plenty of Bernie this month. Plenty.



There were some good ones though!



This is another Marvel moment that is hard to forget… what an issue this is.



I’m sold on Skold.



This, of course, looks exceptional.






Let it be called…



Has Transformers peaked?



Geoff Senior draws God Ginrai… pinch me!



Nothing hits like the ’86 crew assembled.



The circle of life.



Amazing artwork and a fab bit of representation for the grotesquely-underrated Grotusque.



I heart this.



Be(a)st Megatron.



What a time it was!



Another one!



For the royalt— wait.



Devastatingly good.



Remember when people said Pretenders were the decline of G1 Transformers?



We all need a bit of a boost sometimes.



Hard to unsee.




Some exceptional city-scale work right here.



Might need an SS86 Hot Rod now.






Pixelated beauty!



I’d be down with any of these.




This is the crossover we need.



Just… wonderful as always.



I do like it.




This is just excellent.


So that’s our list. Have a great month!


About Sixo

Transformers collector from the UK, collecting vintage G1/G2, CR/RID, UT & Masterpiece/3P. Find me at or on YouTube at


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