COUNTDOWN: 10 Unicron Trilogy characters we’d love to see in Masterpiece form!

Something is afoot in the world of third party Transformers, as it looks like our worlds are in danger! Yep, it seems as though the 3P scene has finally cottoned onto the existence of the Unicron Trilogy, that being the three Transformers series, Armada, Energon and Cybertron, which dominated the franchise during the early-to-mid-2000s. It makes sense too, as Armada reached a bit of a milestone recently, so fans who grew up with that will be reaching the age where they might be looking for new interpretations of their old classics.

So far we’ve seen a couple of third party outfits jump onto the bandwagon by unveiling their takes on UT characters in Masterpiece-styled form, with Fans Hobby working hard on their Naval Commander, a homage to Armada Optimus Prime, and newer company, Transform & Rollout having only just dropped pictures of their take on a Cybertron version of the same character. Exciting!

But we don’t want them to run out of inspiration, so today we’re counting down 10 Unicron Trilogy designs that we’d simply love to see recreated in Masterpiece-style!


#10: Vector Prime

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One of the more mythological characters found in the Transformers franchise as a whole, Vector Prime is a guardian of time and space who is billions of years old. He first appears during Cybertron and is sporting a distinctive armoured-style look covered in clockwork detailing. The original Vector Prime toy is a marvellous thing to behold in its own right but it would be incredible to see him brought smack up-to-date in Masterpiece-style, especially if whoever did it was able to capture all that stunning detail.


#9: Sideways

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Sideways is never what he appears to be, but is always memorable! This two-timing bot plays both the Autobots and the Decepticons for fools, and changes appearances as often as he does allegiances. One can only imagine what some enterprising company could do when bringing this character into MP-style form, especially with his multiple heads and the potential for his Minicons, Rook & Crosswise to interact with his vehicle mode. Make it happen, please.


#8: Smokescreen

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Whether you prefer him as Smokescreen or by his later name, Hoist, the facts are still the same – he’s a loyal and steadfast warrior who would work a treat as a Masterpiece-styled toy. There’s a lot of potential fun to be had with that crane arm and the robot mode could really be something too!


#7: Hot Shot

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C’mon, it’s gotta happen, right? Hot Shot may start out as kinda annoying but there’s no doubt that his original form could be a really swish MP-styled design, with the Audi alt’ mode ripe for interpretation. The Energon and Cybertron designs would of course be very welcome, too!


#6: Jetfire

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As second-in-command of the Autobots, Jetfire is one of the more prominent designs to emerge from Armada and so definitely deserves the Masterpiece treatment at some stage. Not to mention that wicked space shuttle mode would be really something to see, as would his ability to combine with an Armada Optimus Prime toy. I’d be amazed if Fans Hobby haven’t thought the same.


#5: Wing Saber

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Wing Saber is one of those unfortunate lads who’s kinda designed just to become upgrade extras for someone else. Splitting into several parts in order to combine with Energon Optimus Prime, the original toy looked very cool but was hampered with minimal articulation as a result. Yet this Star Saber-inspired robot mode is definitely one of the most exciting to emerge from the whole of the UT, so it’d be great to see the character given a proper upgrade at some stage.


#4: Starscream

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It was inevitable that Starscream would be on this list. Technically of course he has already been realised in 3PMP form, as Maketoys Galaxy Meteor is an interpretation of his Cybertron form. However it would be really something to see a proper crack at his original Armada design too, especially as it’s one of the most memorable looks from that series (not to mention one of the best characters!).


#3: Optimus Prime

With options on the horizon for his Armada and Cybertron designs, surely it’s only a matter of time before someone tackles the Energon equivalent. And what potential it has to be really something special, with the smaller robot form combining with mini-drone vehicles to form a rather distinctive super mode. The play value could be endless with this one.


#2: Megatron

Megatron’s original Armada design is hard to beat, but to be honest we’d take interpretations of his Energon and Cybertron looks too! It would be great to see the original green and purple tank form done up in true MP fashion though, especially if all of the play value of the original toy was kept alongside it.


#1: Tidal Wave

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OK, just imagine it. As one of the largest Decepticon warriors, with a robot mode comprised of several different battleships, this would be really something to see in true MP form. Would it be ridiculously massive? Yes. Would it be horrifically expensive? Probably. Do we still want it to happen? Most definitely. Let’s just hope some enterprising third party designers are reading, eh?

So that’s our list. Did we miss any of your favourites?


About Sixo

Transformers collector from the UK, collecting vintage G1/G2, CR/RID, UT & Masterpiece/3P. Find me at or on YouTube at


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