Unique Toys Troll – The Source Report

Unique Toys Troll

Unique Toys mixes a great design with great quality and engineering in this homage to “Blot”!

This sample of Unique Toys’ homage to “Blot” from the Transformers “Abominus” combiner team came to me in robot mode, and the first thing I noticed was the grimacing look on his face, which is very expressive and adds quite a bit of personality to the figure. While handling it, you automatically notice the nice quality of the plastic, and overall “solid” feel to it. It’s very nice to see, as their previous attempt at a combiner “Warlord” just didn’t have the level of quality that most are used to in higher-priced 3rd party products.

The poseability is definitely on par with most offerings that collectors are accustomed to, but I feel that the engineering is where this piece really shines. It’s almost mind boggling how this toy is able to have two completely different sets of arms for robot and alt. mode while having no parts-forming at all to get from one mode to another.

The Alt. Mode is so ridiculously fun on this guy that I can’t put it down. In my opinion, this is EXACTLY what an updated version of Blot should be. The proportions of the arms and hands in comparison to his legs/feet is spot-on, and the detailing of the face is fantastic. The legs are short, but have extremely strong ratchets at the knees to help keep them from buckling and balance Troll whether it be in an up right or hunched over position. The option to use the foot as a missile pod attached to its back is also fantastic.

The leg mode seems very solid, and there’s a good amount of play in the foot in terms of side tilting and having some movement in the front part of the foot. The size of the leg is right around the same height as the legs of Feral Rex, indicating that the 37 cm (14.5″) for the combined/gestalt mode written on the prototype picture will be a reality. With multiple companies showing such increase in quality, and releasing combiners at this scale versus the previously “standard” scale of around 9-10.5″, I know I’m personally feeling like there’s a “passing of the guard” going on in terms of who the “go-to” companies for gestalt teams will be going forward.

A solid effort from Unique Toys, and I’m definitely looking forward to the rest of the team!

Overall Score: 8.0/10

And don’t forget to pick up yours as well as other Unique Toys products by clicking HERE!

Enjoy a few more pictures of this figure below! Remember to click the pictures to view larger resolutions:

Alt. Mode Front

Alt. Mode Front

Alt. Mode. Back

Alt. Mode. Back

Alt. Mode Angled

Alt. Mode Angled

Alt. Mode Action

Alt. Mode Action

Leg Mode Front

Leg Mode Front

Leg Mode Side

Leg Mode Side

Leg Mode Tilt

Leg Mode Tilt

Leg Mode Size Comparison

Leg Mode Size Comparison

Robot Mode Front

Robot Mode Front

Robot Mode Back

Robot Mode Back

Robot Mode Angled

Robot Mode Angled

Robot Mode Height

Robot Mode Height

Robot Mode Action

Robot Mode Action

Robot Mode Close Up

Robot Mode Close Up

Robot Mode With Foot Attachment

Robot Mode With Foot Attachment

Robot Mode Arm Options

Robot Mode Arm Options

Robot Mode Arm Option Action Pose

Robot Mode Arm Option Action Pose

Troll with Warbotron Bots

Troll with Warbotron Bots

About TJ Duckett

I'm a photographer with a love for toys and video games. Check out my site kumastyledesigns .com


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