Stunticons, combine!
Rather than give an in-depth review, I’m going to give a brief summary of what I think of Diesel and the M3 combined mode.
Diesel itself is a very aesthetically pleasing, solid, and poseable toy. standing about a head taller than classics voyager-class prime, he makes a great and imposing display when paired next to his fellow not-stunticons or classics toys in general. The “armored up” mode using pieces of the trailer as weaponry is a bit much aesthetically for me, but I absolutely love creative uses of access pieces, and not one piece is left behind when armoring him up. It’s a testament to the creativity of those at Fansproject.
The combined mode, however, is where the money is in my opinion. Towering over the other Fansproject and MakeToy combiners and using a comic-styled aesthetic, M3 (MotorForce Military Multiplexer) really makes a good centerpiece for your Gestalt collection. The combined form also retains weapon storage throughout for it’s weapons as well as the guns that come with the individual robots.
Overall Score: 9.0/10
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Enjoy a few more pictures of this figure below! Remember to click the pictures to view larger resolutions: