Toy Review – Fansproject Car Crash and T-Bone – The Source Report

Toy Review – Fansproject Car Crash and T-Bone

Fansproject has released the first two Robots of it’s Transformers Generation 1 “Menasor” combiner homage (“Intimidator”) with Car Crash and T-Bone! The latest in their “Causality” line defiitely do not fail to disaapoint.

Although they share the same basic mold, Car Crash and T-Bone definitely carry enough differences aesthetically to warrant purchasing them both. Car Crash, the homage to “breakdown” sports the iconic blue, white, and red colors while T-Bone, the homage to “Wildrider” maintains the dark gray and red coloring of the original. On top of that, they have completely different headsculpts and plenty of molding differences in both robot and vehicle modes.

Like most other Fansproject offerings, these offer a wide variety of articulation from head-to-toe, and each come with their individual blasters to add to the fun.

The vehicle modes look great taking cues from modern sports cars, and as a nice touch use the weapon storage to act as dual mufflers.

Even though they make the arms, they’ve set off the “Intimidator” project on the right foot (corny, I know). Use the “Shop Now” link below you order yours today right here at!

About TJ Duckett

I'm a photographer with a love for toys and video games. Check out my site kumastyledesigns .com


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